Minutes - TRIPS Council Special Session - View details of the intervention/statement

Ambassador Eui-yong Chung (Korea)
C.3.b.ii Costs
89. The representative of Malaysia said that the issue of cost was important and recalled that her delegation had already raised it at the last meeting. Regarding translation costs which had been raised by many participants, her delegation suggested that the Member notifying the GI provide the notification in all three WTO languages in order to save costs for the WTO. However, that would not solve the problem for the countries that had to examine the GIs at the national level. For example, with regard to Malaysia, some parts of the notification would have to be translated into Malay. Her delegation suggested that the notifying country also provide the notification in Malay. That could be another possibility although it might incur great costs for the notifying country. Her delegation noted that most of the systems administered by WIPO provided for some fees. It therefore suggested considering charging a fee to enable the running of the notification system. These possibilities would minimize the costs to Members who did not participate and would perhaps make the multilateral system more acceptable.