Technical Cooperation Activities under TRIPS Art. 67. - View details of the document

European Union

Contributions of the Portuguese Office of Industrial Property in favour of the Developed and least Developed countries in the scope of the of Article 67 of the TRIPs Agreement (Cooperation Activities)

List of programmes/projects

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# Title of programme or activity Start date Beneficiary Members or observers  
1 Meeting of the IP Ibero-American Programme for the promotion of the Development (IBEPI) 24/09/2018 Angola; Argentina; Bolivia, Plurinational State of; Brazil; Cabo Verde; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; Guatemala; Guinea-Bissau; Honduras; Mexico; Mozambique; Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Portugal; Spain; Uruguay; Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
2 Bilateral meeting with "Instituto Nacional de la Defensa de la Competencia y de la Propiedad Industrial" (INDECOPI) from Peru 25/09/2018 Peru
3 Training Session in the area of Patents to a representative of the National Service of Intellectual Property from São Tomé & Principe (SENAPIQ - STP) 22/10/2018