Leyes y reglamentos en el marco del párrafo 2 del artículo 63 del Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC - Búsqueda


En esta página puede hacer búsquedas en la base de datos de leyes y reglamentos de los Miembros de la OMC notificados de conformidad con el párrafo 2 del artículo 63 del Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC. Puede consultar los resultados de la búsqueda en la pantalla, descargarlos en formato Excel e imprimirlos. También puede descargar los distintos documentos notificados por el Miembro.

El párrafo 2 del artículo 63 del Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC, exige que los Miembros notifiquen las leyes y los reglamentos hechos efectivos y referentes a la materia del Acuerdo (existencia, alcance, adquisición, observancia y prevención del abuso de los derechos de propiedad intelectual). Los procedimientos para la notificación de las leyes y los reglamentos nacionales de conformidad con el párrafo 2 del artículo 63 figuran en el documento IP/C/2. Según estos procedimientos, todo Miembro, a partir del momento en que esté obligado a empezar a aplicar una disposición del Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC, notificará sin demora las leyes y reglamentos correspondientes (normalmente en un plazo de 30 días, salvo que el Consejo de los ADPIC disponga otra cosa).

* NO es necesario utilizar todos los campos de búsqueda que figuran a continuación (rellene solo los que sean pertinentes para su consulta).
* Tenga en cuenta que los criterios de búsqueda utilizados son acumulativos. Todos se reflejarán en los resultados de la búsqueda.

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Signatura del documento Fecha de distribución del documento Título de la ley o el reglamento Miembro o grupo de miembros Descargar documento
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Governmental Order of the Russian Federation of 5/17/1996 No. 614 "On rates of compensation to performers for some kinds of use of performance (statement)" Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2011 No. 1224 "On the statement of Administrative regulations of execution by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of the state function of realization of the state control and supervision of activity of the organizations accredited by the state exercising collective administration by the author's and related rights" (it is registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia of May 18, 2012 No. 24229) Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of May 5, 2012 No. 144 "On the statement of Administrative regulations of execution by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of the state function of realization of the state control (supervision) of monitoring of the legislation of the Russian Federation on copyright and related rights" (it is registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia of 5/29/2012 No. 24374) Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Governmental Order of the Russian Federation of December 29th, 2007 No. 992 "On the Provision on the State Accreditation of the Organizations Exercising Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights" Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Governmental Order of the Russian Federation of December 29th, 2007 No. 988 "On the statement of Rules of gathering, distribution and payment of compensation to executors and manufacturers of soundtracks for use of the soundtracks published in commercial objectives" Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 29th, 2008 No. 324 "On the statement of Administrative regulations of execution by the Federal Agency of Intellectual Property, patents and trademarks of the state function of the organization of demands acceptance for the state registration of the program for electronic computers and demands for the state registration of a database, their consideration and delivery when due hereunder certificates on the state registration of the computer program or a database" Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21st, 2012 No. 218 "On the Federal Agency of Intellectual Property". Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Order of the Russian Agency of Patents and Trademarks of March 5th, 2003 No. 32 "On Rules of drawing up, giving and consideration of the demand for trade mark and service mark registration" Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Order of the Russian Agency of Patents and Trademarks of April 11th, 2003 No. 56 "On Rules of giving of objections and statements and their considerations in the Chamber on patent disputes" Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Order of the Russian Agency of Patents and Trademarks of March 17th, 2000 No. 38 "On the statement of Rules of a recognition of a trade mark well-known in the Russian Federation" Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Governmental Order of the Russian Federation of December 24th, 2008 No. 1020 "On the state registration of contracts on the management of exclusive rights to inventions, utility models, industrial designs, registered topology of an integrated microcircuit, computer programs, a database and transition with the contract of an exclusive right to inventions, utility models, industrial designs, a trade mark, a service mark, the name of a place of origin of the goods, registered topology of an integrated microcircuit, the computer program, a database" Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Governmental Order of the Russian Federation of December 10th, 2008 No. 941 "On the Provisions on patent and other duties on fulfillment of legally significant actions connected with the patent for inventions, utility models, industrial designs, with the state registration of a trade mark and a service mark, with the state registration and granting of an exclusive right to the name of a place of origin of the goods, and also with the state registration of transition of exclusive rights to other persons and contracts on the management of these rights" Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 29th, 2008 No. 322 "On the statement of Administrative regulations of execution by the Federal Agency of Intellectual Property, patents and trademarks of the state function of realization when due hereunder prolongations of period of validity of the patent for the invention concerning means for which application reception of the permission of the representative on it of body according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, period of validity of the patent on industrial designs, testimonies (patent) for utility models, the certificate of registration of a trademark, a service mark, the certificate on the right of use of the name of a place of origin of the goods, and also restoration of action of the patent for inventions, utility models, industrial designs, stopped in connection with non-payment when due hereunder duties on its maintenance in force" Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 29th, 2008 No. 321 "On the statement of Administrative regulations of execution by the Federal Agency of Intellectual Property, patents and trademarks of the state function of registration of contracts on granting of the right to the inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks, service marks, protected computer programs, databases, topology of integrated microcircuits, and also contracts of commercial concession on use of objects of intellectual property protected according to the patent legislation of the Russian Federation" Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 12th, 2007 No. 346 "On the statement of Administrative regulations of execution by the Federal Agency of Intellectual Property, patents and trademarks of the state function of realization of conducting registers of the registered objects of intellectual property, the publication of data on the registered objects of intellectual property, the submitted demands and the patents given out on them and certificates, on action, cancellation and renewal of action of a right to protection concerning objects of intellectual property, cession of rights on protected objects, on official check in of objects of intellectual property" Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Governmental Order of the Russian Federation of September 17th, 2004 No. 481 "On the list of federal executive bodies, competent to issue a conclusion attached to the demand for the state registration of the name of a place of origin of the goods and on the granting of an exclusive right to such name, and also to the demand for the granting of an exclusive right for earlier registered name of a place of origin of the goods". Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 29th, 2008 No. 328 "On the statement of Administrative regulations of execution by the Federal Agency of Intellectual Property, patents and trademarks of the state function of the organization of demands acceptance for registration and granting of the right of use by the name of a place of origin of the goods or the demand for granting of the right of use by an already registered name of a place of origin of the goods, their consideration, examination and delivery when due hereunder certificates of the Russian Federation". Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 29th, 2008 No. 327 "On the statement of Administrative regulations of execution by the Federal Agency of Intellectual Property, patents and trademarks of the state function of the organization of demands acceptance for the invention and their considerations, examination and delivery when due hereunder patents of the Russian Federation for the invention". Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 29th, 2008 No. 325 "ABT the statement of Administrative regulations of execution by the Federal Agency of Intellectual Property, patents and trademarks of the state function of the organization of demands acceptance on industrial designs and their consideration, examination and delivery when due hereunder patents of the Russian Federation for industrial designs". Federación de Rusia
IP/N/1/RUS/1 16/11/2012 The Governmental Order of the Russian Federation of December 24th, 2007 No. 928 "On an order of carrying out of stock-taking in demands for delivery of the patent for the invention or the utility model, created in the Russian Federation, the data making the state secret" Federación de Rusia

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