Minutes - TRIPS Council - View details of the intervention/statement

Ambassador Chak Mun See (Singapore)
34. The Chairperson recalled that the implementation of Article 66.2 had been under discussion in the Council since December 1998 and that the Council had received information from 20 developed country Members on how that provision was being implemented in their territories. Since June 2000, the Council had also had before it a Secretariat note (IP/C/W/169), prepared on a request from the Council, setting out the types of incentive measures that had been notified, with cross references to where further details could be found; as well as a proposal from the delegation of Zambia relating to special and differential treatment in respect of technology transfer (IP/C/W/199). In relation to Article 66.2, the Special Session of the General Council on Implementation had agreed, at its meeting of 18 October 2000, to invite the TRIPS Council, with a view to facilitating full implementation of Article 66.2: to give consideration to drawing up an illustrative list of incentives of the sort envisaged by Article 66.2; to put on a regular and systematic basis its procedure for the notification and monitoring of measures in accordance with the provisions of Article 66.2 and, in doing so, to give consideration to avoiding unnecessary burdens in notification procedures. It had appeared, at the last meeting, that those delegations which had previously indicated their intention to submit proposals concerning an illustrative list of incentives and a systematic notification and monitoring procedure were not yet ready to do so. As a result, the Council had agreed to revert to this matter when such proposals would be before it.