European Union
Copyright and Related Rights
3. Please describe the protection accorded to authors of computer programs, databases or compilations of data.
Article 1 a) of the Law on Copyright, as amended by Law No. 8594 dated 6 April 2000 stipulates that this Law protects written works including computer programs whether in source or object code. Treating derived works and collections, Article 2 underlines that the same protection as to the works is applied to: a) translations, adaptations, arrangements, and other alterations of works and folkloric materials; b) collections of works, popular sayings or data and facts as encyclopaedias, anthologies and other sources of data which, by reason of the selection and arrangement of their contents constitute original creations. As regards economic rights, Article 5 of the Law states that the author of an audiovisual work, or any other work like phonograms, computer programs, databases and of any other work readable in machine, has the exclusive right to authorize giving on lease of his work.