Actas - Consejo de los ADPIC - Ver detalles de la intervención/declaración

Ambassador Eduardo Pérez Motta (Mexico)
194. The Chairman recalled the request made by the TRIPS Council at the last meeting of March 2002 to the Secretariat to prepare short papers summarizing the relevant material that had been presented to the Council during its earlier discussions and listing all the relevant documentation on three subjects, namely the review of the provisions of Article 27.3(b); the relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); and the protection of traditional knowledge and folklore. He informed Members that these three notes had been circulated in documents JOB(02)/59, JOB(02)/58 and JOB(02)/60, respectively. He also informed Members that the TRIPS Council had received updated information from the FAO, the CBD, UNCTAD and UPOV on their activities and that this had been circulated in documents IP/C/W/347 and its addenda 1-3, respectively. The International Bureau of WIPO had also submitted a paper on issues relevant to the work of the TRIPS Council which had been circulated in document JOB(02)/15. In addition, a communication on UNCTAD's work relating to paragraph 32(ii) of the Doha Ministerial Declaration, had been circulated jointly between the Committee on Trade and Environment and the TRIPS Council in document IP/C/W/350. Furthermore, the Secretariat had sent a reminder to Members in airgram WTO/AIR/1756 on 26 March 2002 to provide responses to the questionnaire on the implementation of the provisions of Article 27.3(b), but no further responses had been received. The Secretariat would update the synoptic table in its summary note, as requested by the Council at its last meeting, once a number of new submissions had been received. The Council had also received a communication from Brazil, on behalf of a group of developing countries, namely Brazil, China, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, India, Pakistan, Thailand, Venezuela, Zambia and Zimbabwe, on the relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the CBD, and the protection of traditional knowledge and this had been circulated as document IP/C/W/356.