Actas - Consejo de los ADPIC - Ver detalles de la intervención/declaración

Mr. S. Harbinson (Hong Kong)
Corea, República de
B Arrangements for Cooperation with WIPO
11. The representative of Korea emphasized the need for arrangements based on a mutually supportive partnership of the WTO and WIPO, in order to avoid any duplication of efforts or unnecessary extra burdens on Members. In addition to the areas already identified by the Contact Group, he referred to geographical indications as an area where cooperative arrangements between the two Organizations might be considered. While under the TRIPS Agreement negotiations should take place on the establishment of a multilateral system for the registration of geographical indications for wines, WIPO already had gained experience in this respect through the operation of the Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration. The WTO could, on the other hand, give useful input to WIPO in respect of the system for the settlement of disputes between states that was being negotiated under its auspices. He expressed support for the establishment of an informal joint body by the WTO and WIPO for further consultations on matters concerning possible cooperation. His delegation also believed that WIPO should be invited to meetings of the General Council as long as matters of direct relevance to WIPO were under discussion but was of the opinion that this issue had to be considered in a broader perspective in the General Council itself.