Actas - Consejo de los ADPIC - Ver detalles de la intervención/declaración

Ambassador Carmen Luz Guarda (Chile)
B.i.a Responses to the checklist of issues on enforcement (IP/C/5)
5. The Chairperson informed the Council that, as regards the checklist of issues on enforcement, since the last meeting, responses had been notified by Finland and distributed as document IP/N/6/FIN/1. She emphasized again that the submission of questions for the review in November of national implementing legislation in the area of enforcement was due by 12 September 1997; consequently, if the responses to the checklist were not notified without delay, the checklist would lose much of its purpose as a tool for the preparation of the November review exercise. The Secretariat had not yet received responses to the checklist from the following Members, whose legislation would be reviewed in November: Australia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Iceland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Romania, the Slovak Republic, South Africa and Switzerland.
WTO/AIR/3957; IP/C/W/582; IP/C/W/581; IP/C/W/577; IP/C/W/575; IP/C/W/572/Rev.1; IP/C/W/579; IP/C/W/568; WT/BFA/128