Actas - Consejo de los ADPIC - Ver detalles de la intervención/declaración

Ambassador Carmen Luz Guarda (Chile)
F.ii Review of the application of the provisions of the Section on geographical indications under Article 24.2
64. The Chairperson recalled that, when the Council met in November, it had been agreed that the Chair would hold further consultations on the issue of the review under Article 24.2, with a view to proposing a decision at the Council's meeting scheduled for May this year. Accordingly, informal consultations had been held on this matter, which had focused on an informal proposal of the United States suggesting the development of a checklist of questions about national regimes for the protection and enforcement of geographical indications, to which Members would be asked to reply. The consultations had indicated support for the checklist approach. They had also indicated that a number of delegations had additional questions which they would like to see reflected in the checklist and suggestions for its structure. In these consultations, it had been agreed that delegations with such suggestions would present them in writing to the Secretariat no later than the end of March. On the basis of the United States paper and the suggestions of other delegations, the Secretariat would then prepare an informal draft checklist which would be the subject of informal consultations to be conducted by the incoming Chairperson of the Council.