Leyes y reglamentos en el marco del párrafo 2 del artículo 63 del Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC - Ver detalles del documento

United Kingdom
Act of Sederunt (Rules of the Court of Session Amendment No.6) (Causes Relating to Intellectual Property) 1999
This Act of Sederunt amends the Rules of the Court of Session in their application to causes relating to intellectual property so as to require that any summons, petition or other document lodged in the cause is clearly marked as so relating. The Act of Sederunt also amends the provisions of those Rules as to the fixing of what has been known as a pre-proof hearing and is now to be known as a procedural hearing; the main purpose of those amendments is to afford greater flexibility in fixing a date for that hearing. Provision is made for the judge known as the patents judge to be known instead as the intellectual property judge.
https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1999/1785/note/made Chapter 55 (causes relating to intellectual property) of the Rules of the Court of Session 1994(1), shall be amended.
UK Intellectual Property Office Concept House Cardiff Road Newport South Wales NP10 8QQ United Kingdom information@ipo.gov.uk 0300 300 2000 Outside the UK: +44 (0)1633 814000