Estados Unidos de América
Derecho de autor y derechos conexos
8. Please explain how Norway’s copyright law complies with TRIPS Articles 11 and 14, which require that the rightholders of computer programs and phonograms be granted the right to control the rental of their work. It does not appear that Norway’s copyright law grants a rental right in these works.
Section 19, second paragraph of the Norwegian Copyright Act stipulates that the rightholder of a computer program is granted the right to control the rental of their work. The rightholder of a phonogram is given this right in Section 42, third paragraph (performing artists) and section 45, second paragraph (producers). The Copyright Act was amended in this respect in 1990 (Act No. 26 of 15 June 1990) as regards the rental of computer programs, whereas Sections 42 and 45 were amended in 1995 (Act No. 27 of 2 June 1995).