Compte rendu ‒ Conseil des ADPIC ‒ Afficher les détails de l'intervention/la déclaration

Ambassador István Major (Hungary)
Venezuela, République bolivarienne du
38. The representatives of Venezuela, Morocco, Pakistan and the Philippines supported the request from Haiti. The representative of Venezuela said that it was the moral responsibility of all developed and developing countries to help and assist all least developed countries. The representative of Morocco suggested that the Secretariat consider drawing up a questionnaire to obtain a fuller picture as to how developed country Members were implementing Article 66.2. He also proposed that this Article be expanded to include all developing country Members. The representative of Pakistan pointed out that the specific requirement was to have information as to how the provisions of Article 66.2 had already been implemented. Information regarding what incentives had been provided and who had provided the incentives would be useful for discussing the measures required for full implementation of the provisions.