Compte rendu ‒ Conseil des ADPIC ‒ Afficher les détails de l'intervention/la déclaration

Ambassador Carlos Pérez del Castillo (Uruguay)
124. The Chairperson, summing up the debate, said that first of all it was to be noted that widespread thanks had been expressed by the Council for the valuable contribution made by the Secretariat in giving an exhaustive and useful document. Secondly, he asked the Council to take note of the preliminary statements made in the course of the debate. Thirdly, he urged all delegations to submit as early as possible, before the next Council meeting, any observations or comments in connection with the Secretariat's paper together with any other proposals on the issue which Members wished to raise. Fourthly, he suggested that the Council take note of the need expressed to avoid overlap with work done in other fora. Finally, he said enough time should be set aside at the next meeting for an in-depth debate on the issue. As to the input that the TRIPS Council should convey to the General Council, he suggested, recalling that the next meeting of the TRIPS Council was scheduled for 21-22 April 1999, that the Council authorize him to prepare a letter from its Chair to the Chairman of the General Council describing the steps taken in the TRIPS Council in considering this issue. After more substantive debate at the next meeting of the TRIPS Council, it would make a more substantive report to the General Council in July 1999.