Compte rendu ‒ Conseil des ADPIC ‒ Afficher les détails de l'intervention/la déclaration

Ambassador Chak Mun See (Singapore)
D.ii Legislation of Belize; Cyprus; El Salvador; Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Israel; Korea; Macau, China; Malta; Mexico; Poland; Singapore and Trinidad and Tobago
23. Turning to the review of the legislation of those Members scheduled to be reviewed at the present meeting, the Chairperson informed the Council that the thirteen Members under review had all provided complete notifications of their implementing legislation prior to the meeting, as well as responses to the Checklist of Issues on Enforcement, as set out in the note by the Secretariat (JOB(00)/3788) circulated on 20 June 2000. In addition, a correction of some responses to the Checklist of Issues on Enforcement received from Korea had been circulated in document IP/N/6/KOR/1/Corr.1. Responses to the Checklist of Issues of Enforcement regarding industrial property received from Poland had been circulated in document IP/N/6/POL/1/Add.1. 24. The Chairperson said that these Members had received questions from Australia, Canada, the European Communities and their member States, Japan, Switzerland and the United States, which had been circulated in documents IP/C/W/171 through 174, 177 and 184 and addenda. Some of these questions had been posed two weeks or less before the meeting. The thirteen Members had provided responses to most or all of the questions posed prior to the meeting, which had been circulated in documents IP/C/W/176, 179 to 183, 185 to 188, 190, 192 and 193 and addenda. Thanks to their diligence in submitting their notifications and responses, the delegations in question had greatly assisted in ensuring a smooth running of this review. He recalled that the Council had agreed at its last meeting to take up the review of the legislation of Trinidad and Tobago first, and then the legislation of the other twelve Members in alphabetical order. In accordance with the procedures for the reviews of legislation, he asked each of the delegations whose legislation was under review to provide a brief introductory overview of the structure of its legislation in the areas covered by the Agreement (or, in the case of Poland, of the structure of its legislation in the areas under review) and of the changes, if any, that it had had to bring about in order to make the legislation compatible with the TRIPS Agreement.