États-Unis d'Amérique
Questions statistiques
21. Please provide statistical information related to civil copyright, trademark, geographical indication, industrial design, patent, integrated circuit layout-design, and trade secret enforcement for 2000, including the number of cases filed; injunctions issued; infringing products seized; infringing equipment seized; cases resolved (including settlement); and the amount of damages awarded.
Statistical data available from administrative sources is as follows for the year 2000: (a) Industrial designs A total of 1,738 applications for registration, including 1,248 original applications and 490 applications for renewal, were filed in 2000. Registrations were granted for 1,709 of these applications, including 1,233 original applications and 476 applications for renewal. (b) Patents and utility models In 2000, the National Patents Office received 7,033 applications, including 6,636 for patents and 397 for utility models. A total of 4,224 applications were processed, with the following results: - Granted: 1,864 - Withdrawn: 1,830 - Refused: 30 - Abandoned: 500 (c) Trademarks In 2000, the Trademarks Office recorded 57,723 applications for new trademarks and 3,989 applications for renewal, i.e., a total of 61,712. As many as 52,021 applications were processed, with the following results: - New trademarks granted: 36,640 - Renewed: 8,046 - Abandoned: 3,177 - Withdrawn: 1,367 - Lapsed: 1,884 - Refused: 822 (d) Copyright and related rights A total of 157 civil and criminal actions claiming protection of intellectual property of software were brought in 2000. Judicial search orders or orders to make findings inaudita altera parte were issued, thus making it possible to ascertain infringement and to continue examining the merits of the complaints. These actions led to prosecutions and convictions for software piracy, subject to punitive sanctions on grounds of omission and fines.