États-Unis d'Amérique
Moyens de faire respecter les DPI
Prescriptions spéciales concernant les mesures à la frontière
32. Article 57 also requires that, where the decision on the merits favours the right holder, the competent authorities also may be given authority to give the right holder information regarding the importer, consignee or consignor. If competent authorities in Canada can provide information regarding the importer, consignee or consignor to the right holder, please explain how information regarding names and addresses of consignors, importers and consignees and quantities of goods are provided to the applicant after a positive decision of infringement is made, e.g., authorities automatically providing information or by submission of a written request from the right holder, etc., and cite to the law or regulations providing such authority.
There is no requirement that the court order the disclosure of information concerning the importer, consignee or consignor to the right holder. It is noted that the provision in the second sentence of Article 57 of the TRIPS Agreement is permissive, not mandatory.