Union européenne
Brevets (y compris la protection des variétés végétales)
32. Please explain the additional conditions, if any, in your legislation other than the sufficient disclosure of the invention in Article 29 of the TRIPS Agreement (e.g. submission of justification for access to genetic material or prior inform consent to its use). If such additional conditions exist, please point out the relevant legislations and describe the additional conditions in detail.
An application for a patent in Saint Kitts and Nevis must contain a request for the grant of a patent, a specification containing a description of the invention, a claim or claims and any drawings referred to in the description or any claim and an abstract containing the technical information [s. 16(2)]. Section 16(5) reproduces the condition in Art. 29 in that descriptions must disclose the invention in a manner which is sufficiently clear and complete to permit a person having ordinary skill in the art to carry out the invention, and shall, in particular, indicate at least one mode known to the applicant in which the invention can be carried out. Section 16(4) provides that where an applicant is not the inventor or a joint inventor, he or she must provide a written statement justifying his right to the patent.