États-Unis d'Amérique
Moyens de faire respecter les DPI
Mesures provisoires
15. Article 51 of the TRIPS Agreement requires that countries adopt procedures that enable right holders to request suspension of the importation of counterfeit trademarked goods and pirated copyright works. IP/N/6/SVN/1 describes procedures for pirated copyright goods and says that otherwise the TRIPS Agreement applies directly. If this means that border enforcement in connection with counterfeit trademarked goods is not addressed directly in national law, please explain how the competent authorities are designated in Slovenia, since the TRIPS Agreement does not specify particular authorities. Please describe any plans to amend national legislation to implement border measures in connection with counterfeit trademarked goods.
In principle, both judicial and administrative procedure is possible, the latter, however, only in the area of pirated copyright goods (Article 173 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act). Explicit provisions in the field of industrial property will be included in the new Law on Industrial Property, which may be adopted in 1998.