États-Unis d'Amérique
Afrique du Sud
Moyens de faire respecter les DPI
Procédures et mesures correctives civiles et administratives
17. Article 43.2 provides that, in the event a party refuses to provide information ordered by the judicial or administrative officials, those officials may be authorized to make preliminary and final determinations adverse to that party. Please describe what sanctions may be imposed on a party that refused to provide ordered information and under what circumstances those sanctions are imposed, citing the legal authority for those sanctions.
South African judicial authorities are very hesitant to order persons to disclose, verbally or by way of a written statement, particular information (as opposed to making available, through discovery or in special ex parte situations, specific documents and evidence). Such a practice in civil proceedings is generally unconstitutional in terms of the Constitution of South Africa. In the criminal context, the Counterfeit Goods Act, 1997, contains certain provisions regarding disclosure of information by a defendant.