États-Unis d'Amérique
Droit d'auteur et droits connexes
WT/ACC/TJK/24: Question 6: Page 27, Question 65/ 84: Please confirm that the owners of audiovisual works have the exclusive right of "in sequence" demonstrations. Does Article 16(5) include both in and out of sequence demonstrations? Please explain the difference between 16(4), presentation of works in public, and 16(5), performance of works in public.
Tajikistan's reply: Tajikistan confirms that the owners of audiovisual works have the exclusive right of "in sequence" demonstrations. The difference between 16(4) presentation of works in public, and 16(5} performance of works in public, is based on a difference among different art forms. For example, a movie director would present his work (a movie) in public, whereas a singer or musician would perform - sing or play, live in public.